hublot replica watchesIn 1901, the Antikythera mechanical device treasure sleeping in the Greek seas was found for the first time. This was in the sunken ship, may be the world's oldest astronomical calculator that people found. the Antikythera mechanical device is one of the most mysterious in the history of civilization. Today, the Antikythera mechanical device in the scientific community is still widely famous, scientists are still in research its structure in detail. But for the first time found that up to now, the great history and the value of technology of it has always been a mystery. The concept of "mechanical" created in the ancient Greek and Roman period to create even not at account of the experts.


The birth of the Hublot MP-04 Antikythera watch, shows the love and the attention of the hublot replica watches on the history and culture. As the r&d director of the Hublot brand, Mathias Buttet wanted to salute the historical heritage, thus designed the first mechanical work, and in 2012 formally published on the Basel and horological exhibit. Before and after the two sides of the pocket miracles, faithfully reproduced All kinds of known marks of the Antikythera "the mechanical device". In the main surface of the movement there showed the panhellenic games calendar (city of the specified host game), the Egyptian calendar (12 months, 30 Days a month, every year will add 5 Days before the New Year, called Epagomenal Days), position where the sun in the zodiac constellation, the moonphrase (through the magnificent Pointers and Windows, to show the whole star month moon's position in the zodiac) and the sidereal year. Behind the tabulating movement there shows Callippic Cycle, winter period, the Saros cycle and wheel cycle.


And the Hublot MP-08 Antikythera Sunmoon watch is the further extension, mainly meaning the sun and the moon, and all the displays are in one side of the watch dial.